
Hello so I have the pleasure of knowing and loving a kind funny wonderful passionate ASD man  who I have had in my life for 14 months 

at Christmas he didn’t kiss whilst ML and as I am going through a lot (f death or mum, menopause, 2 other deaths a brother I didn’t know about to name a few)

I got angry we’ll upset I didn’t shout . He did try as he might to kiss me I wanted to understand why he didn’t I can’t just be loving again -

I got my answer it was  my chaos and how he thought his peculiar(his words not mine) was making me unhappy over the past 2 months (couldn’t of been further from the truth)  . He wrote a long letter about how he loved me but he’s shut down couldn’t speak and was leaving me to make me happier

I was crushed I wrote a long heartfelt letter back and have offered meet ups no pressure he ha come round twice -  have also offered phone calls so he doesn’t have to see me and can vent about work 

but I feel he’s getting further and further away I have told him I will wait and asked  what are  his rules of Engagement but he has expressed this. Just removed all emotion from his texts that are becoming less and less 

I have a lot of his stuff at my house his choice to leave when he came last Friday but he was dead behind the eyes 

I have been researching watching all YouTube, reading blogs . but I don’t know the answer to I leave him alone completely and wait for him to contact me also FTI he is also back on Sentra line 

can anyone tell me how to support or do I just leave him be I don’t want him thinking I’ve given up on him 

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