Feeling lonely

I'm feeling quite frustrated with myself because I feel lonely. I'm 24, female, married, but don't have any friends at all. I work full-time and get on with everyone at work, but outside of work I don't have any friends, and I'm starting to feel alone. 

The difficulty is that I want to make friends but I don't like people (which sounds awful and weird), and I prefer my own company, but at the same time I like to still talk and have friends. 

I've had a friend group growing up but I feel like I've always been on the edge of it, like they don't like me or want to spend time with me. I never got invited to anything, always last choice to hang with, and I feel like this has carried into my adult years. 

I kind of feel stuck in this odd limbo of wanting friends but just can't get over the finding them, anxiety, stress, social situations, all that sort of stuff. I was diagnosed in 2021, it has helped explain why my brain works the way it does, but I do feel like I'm grieving all the things I missed out on because I didn't have the support I needed growing up.

Not sure what I'm asking for by posting this... maybe to make some friends? some tips/advice? 

Any insight/other perspectives would be helpful. :-) 

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