How would you survive the zombie apocalypse?

Hi time for another fun topic for everyone it is the start of the zombie apocalypse how would you survive? 
Only rule is no Shaun of the dead quotes such as let’s go to the Winchester have a pint and let it all blow over or anything like that please. 

I would go hide in a deep cave and eat pizza and cupcakes and wait for the apocalypse to end. Over to you guys now. 

  • That’s gross Nauseated face you definitely turn into a zombie if you eat them. 

  • That's exactly what I meant yes.

  • hmm maybe in cooking them it weakens whatever zombie virus there is and then ingesting the weakened cooked zombie virus flesh then makes your body able to identify and fight the weak cooked zombie virus so youd become immune to the zombie virus... so the zombies no longer pose a threat of zombifying you with a bite.... although they will still likely give you tetanus if they bite you 

  • Anyone ever thought of cooking and eating the Zombies?

    Soon enough the zombies will be hiding from me.

  • Go to a library. Zombies don't want to read so will obviously be scared away by the smell of books, so I can just read all the books there with no-one to disturb me, and no-one will else will think of it even better.

  • Lol same. Get a Peashooter and your sorted Stuck out tongue closed eyes 

    There's a Plants vs Zombies 3 now. Downloaded it this evening.

  • Love your replies on this and war of the worlds 

  • zombies.. if they are the slow traditional kind thatd be ok.

    at first, id likely remain in my flat, although its on the edge of town within the town boundaries so fairly populated but off to a side on a private road that likely can be blocked or fortified perhaps and can limit flow of zombies to smaller amount here. but id likely be too lazy to not do that at first. id likely not do anything until society has clearly broke down and the violence and zombies are everywhere, if control and society is still there id remain in my flat. if society is broke down id likely go to my parents and ensure they are safe, as i have good enough martial arts training to be satisfied with my own safety but untrained people move and make too many mistakes so  my parents being not trained would be vulnerable so id go there to ensure they are safe... then move to a less populated space, maybe on the coast with a option to live out of a yacht as a yacht would give you a safe place to sleep with no night time incursions while your vulnerable combined with ability to move your yacht and flee overseas or to a island. thats the optimal goal, to get a yacht. id only likely do that if i was looking after parents thought.

    if i had no parents or no one to look after, id likely stay in my flat, id be too lazy to fortify the road at first but id fortify and ensure the communal flat stairway is blocked and no unthinking zombie could just wander up. id also doubt the ability of a zombie to bash through my locked firedoor anyway if one did through the communal door and up the communal stairs. so my flat maybe somewhat safe.... but later id look at the communal grounds and private road and see i need to clear it out and secure it somehow. which would be what id work on, and make my flat complex and its grounds and road into a fortress. my weapons of choice would likely be melee weapons, long pole arm weapons i can find i have a idea of a few places that might have some. saying that i gave my old bo staff to my parents and thats a really solid dense stick. either way i think it would be a piece of cake for me if i dont have anyone to worry about and protect.

  • I'd like to think that all the time I spent playing Plants Vs Zombies has given me useful skills for such a situation.

  • Have you seen the tv series “Zomboat

    I loved that series.  Especially the relevation on how the apocalypse started, with flu vaccine trials going wrong.

  • With bloody good reason. (excuse my french!)

  • Farmers are protesting across Europe. 

  • Hmm

    I always thought the thing with a Zombie Apocalypse was that it had a limited shelf life. 

    I'll leave it there... 

  • I would Hook up With Negan from the Walking Dead.
    What a Dude ! 

  • Load up on instant noodles, dig a ditch, get into the ditch, consume instant noodles. Long-term survival guaranteed. Ramen

  • It’s creative and as I have just said in roughly 24 hours my next topic will be hint war of the worlds more details will be shared tomorrow 

  • Ok you lovely lot I wasn’t going to do this but I’ve changed my mind tomorrow’s topic well here a hint war of the worlds so get your thinking caps on because in 24 hours time it will be war of the worlds 

  • At least you have a plan! And it sounds less like hard work and more enjoyable than mine.

    Pleasantly surprised by your reaction, I thought I'd get told off for being too bleak!

  • Love your plan I’m just planning a on getting fat on cupcakes