How would you survive the zombie apocalypse?

Hi time for another fun topic for everyone it is the start of the zombie apocalypse how would you survive? 
Only rule is no Shaun of the dead quotes such as let’s go to the Winchester have a pint and let it all blow over or anything like that please. 

I would go hide in a deep cave and eat pizza and cupcakes and wait for the apocalypse to end. Over to you guys now. 

  • I don't have all the full details worked out, but my personal transport would need to quickly become a stolen excavator with a lot of grilles welded over the windows and sharp blades welded to the bucket, and my first stop would be a shop that sells 12 bore guns and ammo followed by some swift work with a hacksaw... 

    Currently a huge war is being fought in the "breadbasket of Europe" AKA Ukraine at the same time as politicians are quietly shutting down the means of food production across Europe by means of withdrawing subsidies and "nitrogen quotas". Due to the relatively recent adoption of JIT (Just In Time) logistics, which does make the freshest of food much more widely available there is no large scale warehousing of staples, so when those actions catch up with us, it will happen very rapidly indeed. It is widely believed in academia that total societal breakdown (AKA the Zombie Apocalypse) is only three meals away! 

    As Gonzalo Lira used to tell us, "Understand what's going on.."  

  • Love your plan I’m just planning a on getting fat on cupcakes 

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