If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

Hi today’s topic travel if you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? 

I would choose Iceland as i went there a few years ago with my mum and it was absolutely amazing. What a beautiful country to visit everyone spoke English and my asthma cleared up as it was so clean no pollution or anything. Also seen the northern lights there and swam in the blue lagoon. 

  • Iceland! Snap! 

    It's always fascinated me, but I've never been. My son went on a school geography trip some years ago. I did point out at parent's evening that I have a PGCE and an 'O' level geography and could volunteer to make myself useful if they were short of staff. The teacher laughed, and said all the parents were offering, lol.

    Other than that, Lake Como, because that's where my Italian family come from. I've been a number of times and want to go back.

    And Dublin. I've been on my own before and loved it, but want to take my boy-friend. He's a fiddle player and he'd love the night life.

  • Iceland looks beautiful. I want to go there as well one day.

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