
I've recently noticed that I buy and wear the same style of clothes. My wardrobe is full of new clothes but I don't wear them and always go back to my usual clothes. I hate anything tight on me. Does anyone else have the same issue?. I want to wear something different but I just can't bring myself to do it

  • This definitely resonates with me! On the rare occasions I buy new clothes, the whole thing is an orderal. Nothing seems right when I get the stuff home, it upsets me that it's happened again, and then maybe one item out of the several wardrobe-dwellers gradually wins my trust and when something I wear every three days becomes completely threadbare and perishes, that one item is reluctantly, though with some relief, absorbed into the solid rotation of three variations on a theme that help me get through the average week. And so it goes...

  • There's certain shirts I can't wear anymore because of how tight they are, and I only really wear tracksuit bottoms.

    I think my sensitivities are a bit heightened too. 

  • I wear the same clothes as well. All my clothes are loose fitting like t shirts, shorts and jogging trousers. I used to buy myself a lot of new clothes, vintage clothing was always a favourite like tweed jackets and old ties but I found the materials and tightness put me in to sensory overload.

    Now I try to wear only loose fitting clothing, I've tidied out my wardrobe to get rid of the clothes I can't wear, it's a shame but I've got to do what's best for me. My wife is the exact same with her own clothes.