I hate this life and yes I know you don't care

My parents treat me like poo. A piece of poo they trod on. The social services and NHS are worse.

No one cares. Give me all your false platitudes, heard it all before.

  • I appreciate people's input and replies and it's nice to interact with you all but I think most of you misunderstand the situation. My problems are not rooted in alcohol, they're rooted in trauma (mostly from childhood). severe mental illness and I suppose Autism.

    If I struggle to communicate with my parents who love me, am terrified of my neighbours drunk or sober, even though they're respectable middle class people, do you not see the problem is much more complex than alcohol?

    But there's no point arguing. If people can't see it, we will just have to agree to disagree.

  • I appreciate people's input and replies and it's nice to interact with you all but I think most of you misunderstand the situation. My problems are not rooted in alcohol, they're rooted in trauma (mostly from childhood). severe mental illness and I suppose Autism.

    If I struggle to communicate with my parents who love me, am terrified of my neighbours drunk or sober, even though they're respectable middle class people, do you not see the problem is much more complex than alcohol?

    But there's no point arguing. If people can't see it, we will just have to agree to disagree.

  • If people can't see it

    Yeah, we don't have full access to what's going on in your life. It's just a forum where we can offer some support, little else, everything else has to come down to you. But you keep spinning people's responses into a "woe is me" agenda. On previous threads you've said you're going to drink yourself into the grave, so why are people going to separate alcohol from this?

    Also, you keep posting these threads on the forum, and then not responding to people, or complaining about people's responses - when you're withholding information. 

    A solution has to come from you Roswell. See your GP. Think clearly about how to resolve the situation. Get some therapy.