Asperger’s boyfriend help please

Boyfriend has diagnosed dyslexia and dyspraxia, doesn’t have Asperger’s diagnosis. For the most part we have a great relationship., but a few days ago after 4 years he has literally cut me off. He is an only child. I am one of several and my parents are divorcing. We had a great Xmas and we were making plans etc. over the Xmas, my mother, who my boyfriend has a total dislike for, offered for me and her to go away. I told my bf who immediately started ignoring me (over text) when I questioned him over the ignoring he stated he thought my mother was irresponsible etc, as she should be paying the mortgage  which she was worried about not  going away. I said he had no right to make comments on what my mother did with her money and he retaliated saying nasty stuff about my mother. We didnt speak for several days. He does this where I have to make the first move to sort the issue. Which I did again, we arranged to speak face  to face and he asked had I told my mother what he said. When I admitted yes. He went nuts. Saying my mother would take offence and tell others which she hasn’t but I did say if you have said it you need to face up to it and sort it . We agreed to put it behind us and he said he would speak face to face with my mother. I thought we were fine and then he started ignoring me . He went to his friends for the weekend. Hardly spoke to me . I sent him a text saying remember me and he went nuts again. He said I was sarcastic to which I apologised. I text him the next day as I knew he was off asking did he love me . He said yes but he was unhappy, I asked him to call me he then started ranting saying how I bring so much drama to his life , and so does my family , and he never wanted to see or speak to me again. Put the phone down and blocked me on everything. I am heart broken . He has never said sorry once in any arguments we have had. It’s always me who has to say sorry and that I will change my behaviour. I don’t know if he is using my family as an excuse for his nasty ranting. He only seems to listen to any reason from his father. I am heartbroken and confused that after 4 years he can just cut me off like I am nothing 

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