Still had enough of everything

I need help and there seemingly just isn't any that's suitable. I can call the Samaritans sometimes if my parents aren't in the living room, the only room with a phone. My mobile has been blocked because of the times I called. I'm lonely. I've tried going to pubs and bars and find the social rules incomprehensible. Social groups, I have panic attacks, because there always seems to be a hierarchy I don't understand and again incomprehensible social rules.

  • I'll give you some practical help. 

    Go and obtain the book I recommend in my bio which is essentially a rulebook, or perhaps toolkit, for social interactions. 

    You might be amazed at how simple and easily overlooked they are.

    IF you can absorb that knowledge, you will immediately like I did, become more adept at social interactions which is dead useful. 

    It won't solve all your problems, (oh no! It's never THAT easy) but it will give you some useful advantages that you currently do have, and something better to do than calling Samaritans.

    At the very least you will be putting ME to the test, and can report back to the community if my advice is, as I believe, super helpful to us spergs, or you can expose me as a fraud!

    GIve it a go. The book can be found usually for way less than a fiver delivered on ebay. I've picked at it in places, read every word of others, skipped over some and it's STILL been one of the most useful tools for life that I've come across. 

    We need things explained that the normies don't. Might as well get it in the privacy of your own home via a book than from the "school of hard knocks".

    I may have other help to offer, but let's start with the basics and see how that works. 

    FWIW, although my life hasn't been conventionally successful, I am bloody glad I didn't kill myself back in my mid twenties and on one other occasion a few years before I learned WHY things are so bloody difficult for me.

    We are all different and some of the stuff that works well for me wont; work for others, Christianity being a good example.

    BUT, Socialisation is a GAME as any psychopath will tell you, and if you understand the rules, yet are not bound by them yourself can be played very powerfully indeed...

    As an Autist, rather than a psychopath, you can use the skill and insights that you get for the good of all, rather than being compelled by you own self self interest as a psychopath often is. 

    My doctor told me I was "too socially functional" to be Autistic, but only because I learned it as a young man out of a book...

    I personally went down the route of "I don't like pubs & socialisation except on my own terms" and used the insights I got to make people want to come to my house and spend time instead of going up the pub.

    For about five years, until I got fed up with being "lonely in a crowd of my friends" and started focussing on things other than "socialisation"... 

  • I'll give you some practical help. 

    Go and obtain the book I recommend in my bio which is essentially a rulebook, or perhaps toolkit, for social interactions. 

    You might be amazed at how simple and easily overlooked they are.

    IF you can absorb that knowledge, you will immediately like I did, become more adept at social interactions which is dead useful. 

    It won't solve all your problems, (oh no! It's never THAT easy) but it will give you some useful advantages that you currently do have, and something better to do than calling Samaritans.

    At the very least you will be putting ME to the test, and can report back to the community if my advice is, as I believe, super helpful to us spergs, or you can expose me as a fraud!

    GIve it a go. The book can be found usually for way less than a fiver delivered on ebay. I've picked at it in places, read every word of others, skipped over some and it's STILL been one of the most useful tools for life that I've come across. 

    We need things explained that the normies don't. Might as well get it in the privacy of your own home via a book than from the "school of hard knocks".

    I may have other help to offer, but let's start with the basics and see how that works. 

    FWIW, although my life hasn't been conventionally successful, I am bloody glad I didn't kill myself back in my mid twenties and on one other occasion a few years before I learned WHY things are so bloody difficult for me.

    We are all different and some of the stuff that works well for me wont; work for others, Christianity being a good example.

    BUT, Socialisation is a GAME as any psychopath will tell you, and if you understand the rules, yet are not bound by them yourself can be played very powerfully indeed...

    As an Autist, rather than a psychopath, you can use the skill and insights that you get for the good of all, rather than being compelled by you own self self interest as a psychopath often is. 

    My doctor told me I was "too socially functional" to be Autistic, but only because I learned it as a young man out of a book...

    I personally went down the route of "I don't like pubs & socialisation except on my own terms" and used the insights I got to make people want to come to my house and spend time instead of going up the pub.

    For about five years, until I got fed up with being "lonely in a crowd of my friends" and started focussing on things other than "socialisation"... 
