What was your New Year's resolution ? Are you sticking to it ?

I smoked for 35 Years since i was 15.
Am now 50 and decided it was now or never.
I smoked my last cigarette at 11.55 New Year's eve and Tonight will be 7 Days.
Just another 11 weeks to go on Nicotine Replacement Therapy.
This is the hardest thing i have ever done.
My message is this..Where there is a will there IS a way.
Anyway,am puffing on these cigars feeling quite proud of myself !
Just kidding, it is hard,but i will NOT give in.
Do you have a resolution ? If so,are you sticking to it ?
Anything is possible with commitment.
You just have to want it SO much.
We are stronger than we realise.
Focus on the change you want / need and go for it.
Remember the S.A.S Motto........Who dares wins.
I wish you all well in 2024.
It is a New Year...Make it YOURS.

  • Well done MM, on your tremendous NY Resolution! It is hard to give up nicotine, because it's extremely addictive, as you know - so let me just say this, with advanced apology if I'm inadvertently being patronising - 

    Changing habits takes a while and is a process, rather than an event. If you should happen to slip off the nicotine-free wagon, ever, just be kind to yourself and remember how far you've come. We tend to feel discouraged if we do slip, whatever it is we're seeking to change - better to see it as bumps in the sure and certain road. 

    I wish you resilience and fortitude with it, and am sure you'll succeed, with your mighty commitment! Slight smile

  • Well done MM, on your tremendous NY Resolution! It is hard to give up nicotine, because it's extremely addictive, as you know - so let me just say this, with advanced apology if I'm inadvertently being patronising - 

    Changing habits takes a while and is a process, rather than an event. If you should happen to slip off the nicotine-free wagon, ever, just be kind to yourself and remember how far you've come. We tend to feel discouraged if we do slip, whatever it is we're seeking to change - better to see it as bumps in the sure and certain road. 

    I wish you resilience and fortitude with it, and am sure you'll succeed, with your mighty commitment! Slight smile

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