What was your New Year's resolution ? Are you sticking to it ?

I smoked for 35 Years since i was 15.
Am now 50 and decided it was now or never.
I smoked my last cigarette at 11.55 New Year's eve and Tonight will be 7 Days.
Just another 11 weeks to go on Nicotine Replacement Therapy.
This is the hardest thing i have ever done.
My message is this..Where there is a will there IS a way.
Anyway,am puffing on these cigars feeling quite proud of myself !
Just kidding, it is hard,but i will NOT give in.
Do you have a resolution ? If so,are you sticking to it ?
Anything is possible with commitment.
You just have to want it SO much.
We are stronger than we realise.
Focus on the change you want / need and go for it.
Remember the S.A.S Motto........Who dares wins.
I wish you all well in 2024.
It is a New Year...Make it YOURS.

  • I am regressing if anything.  Achievement is beyond me.  In truth , I have never cared for achievement anyway.

  • Good luck with your new years resolutions MajorSlight smileSlight smile Giving up smoking is difficult, something I've been attempting to do myself, I'm sure you can do it and I'm sure I'll manage it as well at some point.

    My own resolution this year is to continue working part time and become independent, and not be sectioned again as that appears to be a yearly thing for me when my anxiety and mental health crash.

    Good luck everyone. You can do it!

  • The thing with addiction is to replace your addiction with a healthy alternative. Alice Cooper was an alcoholic and took up golf instead and it worked for him. Keep at it! Really great you've stopped smoking. Think of all the money you'll save!

    My goal was to cut out the rubbish I've been eating from November-December and get my healthy lifestyle back on track. So far so good! 

  • MM: I wish you every success. I gave up smoking in my thirties; after a couple of failed attempts I finally succeeded by sheer bloody-minded determination.

    I have made no resolutions this year as I am currently perfect!


  • Mine is to lose a stone in weight.

    However, I've just eaten a tin of soup with a toasted cheese sandwich for lunch Thinking

    My excuse is that I am ill (virus/cold/flu/whatever).

    Well done and I agree with

    All the best with this and with your year in general.

  • Well done MM, on your tremendous NY Resolution! It is hard to give up nicotine, because it's extremely addictive, as you know - so let me just say this, with advanced apology if I'm inadvertently being patronising - 

    Changing habits takes a while and is a process, rather than an event. If you should happen to slip off the nicotine-free wagon, ever, just be kind to yourself and remember how far you've come. We tend to feel discouraged if we do slip, whatever it is we're seeking to change - better to see it as bumps in the sure and certain road. 

    I wish you resilience and fortitude with it, and am sure you'll succeed, with your mighty commitment! Slight smile