Autism Assessment form

This morning I sent off the additional questions I was required to fill in, to support my autism assessment form, that was sent off a few weeks ago. Waiting with bated breath now, to see if they will assess me. But I'm relieved that they've gone off. 

I got to see today what my mental health practitioner had written about me. There were things in there that I wasn't aware of. Things she obviously had observed about me. Surprising, I'm okay with it, although a little shocked. She says all my paperwork screams autism. So fingers crossed. 

I'm trying to stay positive. 

  • Hi 

    Hopefully your assessment will go ahead very soon. Is this an NHS one? I'm so impatient I didn't go down that route and paid for a private assessment. I think during the wait time I would have driven myself nuts with imposter syndrome!

    Keep us updated :) 


  • Hi 

    Hopefully your assessment will go ahead very soon. Is this an NHS one? I'm so impatient I didn't go down that route and paid for a private assessment. I think during the wait time I would have driven myself nuts with imposter syndrome!

    Keep us updated :) 


  • Hi Inula, 

    Thanks for your message. Yes it's an NHS one. I have to wait and see if they will accept me first.

    If they do, I've been told the wait time is around 2 years. Going private is an option, the wait time would be a couple of months or so, and around £2,000. 

    But to be honest I need to get my head this. I'm 53 years old, and I only discovered just over a month ago that I'm Autistic. Whilst being very liberating, i'm processing more than half a century ofBlushtuff. I'm trying to work out who I really am, and what kind of future I'd like. Blush