Do you like your birthday?

I'm not a fan of them. Even as a little girl I never got excited for my birthday, in fact the weeks leading up to it were always filled with dread and this is something that's never changed.

My birthday is next month and I'm already dreading it. People keep asking me what I want, should we do a party, am I excited...

It must sound like I'm not grateful, I actually am grateful for the thought and care but as with every year I just want to stay in my room and wait for the day to be over. Everyone fusses and the majority know I don't like my birthday or celebrating but they do it anyway.

If it was a quiet occasion it would be much better and I wouldn't have such a big problem with it but it's never a quiet occasion and by the end of the day I'm always exhausted and nearing a meltdown.

There's still a month to go but I'm anxious already. If I'm really lucky they will forget it this year and I can carry on like normal.

  • I wonder if there is a correlation of disliking your birthday and being autistic. Ive always didnt like my birthday and any autistic friends I have/had also hated when their birthday came around.

    I do like other peoples birthdays though. I like to remember them and compare the date with other peoples. And I always try to say happy birthday even if they dont like birthdays because people forget my birthday a lot (including my family sometimes) so I think its nice to know someone remembered

  • I wonder if there is a correlation of disliking your birthday and being autistic. Ive always didnt like my birthday and any autistic friends I have/had also hated when their birthday came around.

    I do like other peoples birthdays though. I like to remember them and compare the date with other peoples. And I always try to say happy birthday even if they dont like birthdays because people forget my birthday a lot (including my family sometimes) so I think its nice to know someone remembered

  • Former Member I love your PFP. Frozen are great films.

    I do like other peoples birthdays though

    I often look in from the outside at my family members birthdays and an curious as to how they are so excited and enjoy the parties. It's something I wonder what it feels like to actually enjoy birthdays.

  • My experience of birthdays as a kid was that everyone else seemed to be made a fuss of or had a party or whatever but my birthday was always ignored or forgotten.

    It just felt like another of those things that I just didn’t know the rules of.