What's a typical day like for you?

Good morning Hugging 

What would you say a typical day is like for you? 

Do you work? Go to college or university?

Or like me, do you stay home, all day every day, seemingly for the rest of your life?

Ok I'm depressing myself now.

Thanks to mental health and some physical health problems as well my life has become an endless circle of more less staying at home, usually in my room. I go out sometimes but not for long. My home is my safe space.

At home I'll usually listen to music, watch films and TV series, read, play with my toys, brush my hair and that's pretty much it.

Thinking about it I often wonder why I'm here. It's not really the sort of life I imagined for myself. I thought by now I might have a friend, husband, kids... I definitely thought I would be working by now.

But for now... For the foreseeable this is my future.

How's a typical day for you?

  • A typical day for me is waking early around 5.35am as I do not sleep well and due to being excited about a new day. I enjoy a mug of coffee and read a lot and listen to Radio Four. I go litter picking and love to be out on the moors enjoying the scenery and making a difference. I love cycling and this is a therapy for me.

    I feel you are being a little hard on yourself as life as an autistic can be tough but it is a positive thing too if you can find a hobby or an interest that allows you to lose yourself in it. Work is not the rosy picture the Torys make it out to be so do not let them put you down. Volunteering cab ne so much more fun and less stressful.

  • A typical day for me is waking early around 5.35am as I do not sleep well and due to being excited about a new day. I enjoy a mug of coffee and read a lot and listen to Radio Four. I go litter picking and love to be out on the moors enjoying the scenery and making a difference. I love cycling and this is a therapy for me.

    I feel you are being a little hard on yourself as life as an autistic can be tough but it is a positive thing too if you can find a hobby or an interest that allows you to lose yourself in it. Work is not the rosy picture the Torys make it out to be so do not let them put you down. Volunteering cab ne so much more fun and less stressful.

  • Your days sound like a lot of fun at times. I like cycling too, but, unfortunately it's not possible for me at the moment. Triggered a memory of a pink princess bike I had as a child, it had a lovely little basket which was shaped like a crown. I rode it all the time.

    Volunteering cab ne so much more fun and less stressful.

    I was volunteering before and I did really enjoy it. I'm hoping I can do it again in the future at some point.