What's a typical day like for you?

Good morning Hugging 

What would you say a typical day is like for you? 

Do you work? Go to college or university?

Or like me, do you stay home, all day every day, seemingly for the rest of your life?

Ok I'm depressing myself now.

Thanks to mental health and some physical health problems as well my life has become an endless circle of more less staying at home, usually in my room. I go out sometimes but not for long. My home is my safe space.

At home I'll usually listen to music, watch films and TV series, read, play with my toys, brush my hair and that's pretty much it.

Thinking about it I often wonder why I'm here. It's not really the sort of life I imagined for myself. I thought by now I might have a friend, husband, kids... I definitely thought I would be working by now.

But for now... For the foreseeable this is my future.

How's a typical day for you?

  • Mindless repetition is just part of adult life for 99% of people, I like it because it suits what I have with autism. So I tend to follow the same routine.

    Get up, drink tea, write, catch up with the day's news, write some more, drink more tea.

    Then when I'm done with work for the day (although I write in my spare time anyway) I'll either watch a film, read, or play some video games. I've built into this a routine of regular walking, so I make regular trips to the local teashop when I can because I like the waitress there. And she keeps waving at me, so maybe one day I'll pluck up the courage to chat to her more.

    But yeah, maybe try shaking your routine up a little each day for variation? 

    Get a new hobby. Start a blog or a YouTube channel. Learn to juggle. Knit. Something like that! These small things can make a big difference for your outlook. 

  • You've reminded me that I have already said elsewhere that I will start a Blog next year.  So when I go through with it, I will send the link to others here.

  • I look forward to seeing it Blush

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