What's a typical day like for you?

Good morning Hugging 

What would you say a typical day is like for you? 

Do you work? Go to college or university?

Or like me, do you stay home, all day every day, seemingly for the rest of your life?

Ok I'm depressing myself now.

Thanks to mental health and some physical health problems as well my life has become an endless circle of more less staying at home, usually in my room. I go out sometimes but not for long. My home is my safe space.

At home I'll usually listen to music, watch films and TV series, read, play with my toys, brush my hair and that's pretty much it.

Thinking about it I often wonder why I'm here. It's not really the sort of life I imagined for myself. I thought by now I might have a friend, husband, kids... I definitely thought I would be working by now.

But for now... For the foreseeable this is my future.

How's a typical day for you?

  • Hi @LoonyLuna, I hope you find some contentment and joy in your activities, even if it is not how you imagined life would be, and can gradually work towards some of the things you dreamed of.


    I am totally with you on home being a safe space. No one has been in mine for over a decade other than people fixing my heating or delivering a new washing machine! It is so sacrosanct, I fear that letting anyone in would break the spell.


    I am in the fortunate position to be employed. I used to go into an office every working day, but since the pandemic have been working mainly at home. We were told recently that we had to make an appearance in person on Fridays, which turned out to be less traumatic than originally anticipated, partly because I roll in late in order to avoid the crowds on the trains! The people that I work with are generally nice, and seem happy to accept me being a bit different to them in exchange for what I can do. But I find it all quite tiring, so do very little in the evenings other than cook my tea and watch a bit of TV.


    Otherwise, my days are quite similar to yours, but with less hair brushing. I benefit hugely from a clear structure and routine, and try to go for a walk every morning even if it involves getting drenched. Otherwise, I rarely go anywhere. I managed my first holiday in over a decade in September this year, four days in Devon. It was planned with military precision, which took an eternity! I manage the occasional day-trip to London, as I enjoy the galleries and museums. I have been enough times now to be reasonably comfortable with getting around there, though still struggle with everywhere being so crowded.


    More generally, I feel like I have been regressing in recent years, ending up in a rut where I spend my time staring at a computer screen hoping for some inspiration that will transform my life, rather than actually doing anything. I have come to the conclusion that I have wasted far too much of my time wishing I was more ‘normal’, questioning why I cannot behave like others or want the same things that they do. Somewhere along the way, I have lost track of what I enjoy, and look on jealously at people here who have a special interest that gives them immense satisfaction (even though I know that can have its downsides as well). I need to break out of that cycle, and be more accepting of who I am rather than constantly berating myself for what I am not. There are parameters within which I need to work. I can push them a bit, which is good for me, but too far and things start to fall apart. Fundamentally, I just need to be kinder to myself, and challenge this constant feeling of disappointment with who and what I am. Maybe then I will be able to recapture some of the joy in everyday things.


    I definitely need something to focus on! I am much more content when I have a clear purpose to the day, rather than having an emptiness that needs filling. I just need to work out what that something is!

  • Hi @LoonyLuna, I hope you find some contentment and joy in your activities, even if it is not how you imagined life would be, and can gradually work towards some of the things you dreamed of.


    I am totally with you on home being a safe space. No one has been in mine for over a decade other than people fixing my heating or delivering a new washing machine! It is so sacrosanct, I fear that letting anyone in would break the spell.


    I am in the fortunate position to be employed. I used to go into an office every working day, but since the pandemic have been working mainly at home. We were told recently that we had to make an appearance in person on Fridays, which turned out to be less traumatic than originally anticipated, partly because I roll in late in order to avoid the crowds on the trains! The people that I work with are generally nice, and seem happy to accept me being a bit different to them in exchange for what I can do. But I find it all quite tiring, so do very little in the evenings other than cook my tea and watch a bit of TV.


    Otherwise, my days are quite similar to yours, but with less hair brushing. I benefit hugely from a clear structure and routine, and try to go for a walk every morning even if it involves getting drenched. Otherwise, I rarely go anywhere. I managed my first holiday in over a decade in September this year, four days in Devon. It was planned with military precision, which took an eternity! I manage the occasional day-trip to London, as I enjoy the galleries and museums. I have been enough times now to be reasonably comfortable with getting around there, though still struggle with everywhere being so crowded.


    More generally, I feel like I have been regressing in recent years, ending up in a rut where I spend my time staring at a computer screen hoping for some inspiration that will transform my life, rather than actually doing anything. I have come to the conclusion that I have wasted far too much of my time wishing I was more ‘normal’, questioning why I cannot behave like others or want the same things that they do. Somewhere along the way, I have lost track of what I enjoy, and look on jealously at people here who have a special interest that gives them immense satisfaction (even though I know that can have its downsides as well). I need to break out of that cycle, and be more accepting of who I am rather than constantly berating myself for what I am not. There are parameters within which I need to work. I can push them a bit, which is good for me, but too far and things start to fall apart. Fundamentally, I just need to be kinder to myself, and challenge this constant feeling of disappointment with who and what I am. Maybe then I will be able to recapture some of the joy in everyday things.


    I definitely need something to focus on! I am much more content when I have a clear purpose to the day, rather than having an emptiness that needs filling. I just need to work out what that something is!

  • Hi ,

    Thanks for replying and sorry for not replying to you a lot sooner. This morning I've devoted time to reply to everyone.

    Thank you, yes I do enjoy my activities I get up to but I feel like there's something missing in my life, likely lack of a routine and also I look for my purpose as such but can never work out what it actually is.

    Do you enjoy your work? I would like to work, more preferably from home but I'd go out to work if I really had to. I'm not sure what I'd like to do though, or what I even could do. I love children, so maybe something with children would be something I might go for if I could tolerate the chaos and noise lol.

    If I had my own home I would never let anyone in either lol. I try not to let people in to my bedroom if I can help it. It's my safe space, a place of peace and solitude.

    Lucky you can work at home too Hugging 

    More generally, I feel like I have been regressing in recent years, ending up in a rut where I spend my time staring at a computer screen hoping for some inspiration that will transform my life, rather than actually doing anything. I have come to the conclusion that I have wasted far too much of my time wishing I was more ‘normal’, questioning why I cannot behave like others or want the same things that they do.

    This is exactly my problem as well!! I spend so much time, well nearly every day actually, just staring at my phone screen and spending time on here or YouTube and literally just wondering why my life is where it is now and then when I think of doing something I feel too exhausted to do it...

    It's a really vicious cycle and it's one I got in seemingly easily but is really difficult to get out off. I have no idea how to get back on track, or how to not think negatively and start living again.

    Maybe then I will be able to recapture some of the joy in everyday things.

    I really truly hope you will be able to enjoy everyday things again life will improve for you. Hopefully 2024 will be YOUR year! You have a positive look and attitude to things and that will definitely work in your favour for sure.

    Oh and definitely try brushing your hair Stuck out tongue closed eyes It's very very soothing!