Consequences of autistic thinking

One of the reasons I’ve ended up alone is that I spent years juggling working and looking after elderly parents. My dad had vascular dementia for several years then within weeks of his passing my mum developed several serious health conditions including Alzheimer’s.

Throughout these years it never occurred to me that I should do anything other than look after them even though it was at huge cost to myself. I know I’d do the same again.

But my brother felt no such duty or obligation and left me to it.

And now I find myself wondering, was that my autistic self allowing my brother to take advantage of me or could it have been inflexible autistic thinking not allowing me to see or take other choices.

Sorry, this is the sort of path my mind takes when spending a day like today alone

  • Once you stick your reality through the sieve of morality (I got the blue one from B&M) you can see what is good and what is bad.

    By the sound of it, you did good by your parents, and would do it again.

    The essence of being a good person seems to be that people will take as much advantage as you allow them to.  

    I bet we have all spent Christmas mostly alone even those of us surrounded by family and friends, that seems to be one of the consenqences of Autism, "alienation".

    For me this Christmas I've discovered that for both me and the cats FIVE is the maximum number of human beings in one room that we can cope with.

    Take heart, you sound fairly young, you still have options.. 

  • Morning mate.

    Happy Boxing day.


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