
So, I was wondering if anyone else feels this way?

We are encouraged, these days, to just be ourselves. But if you have done this and always found the real you is rejected how on earth are you meant to live in the world authentically?

Just ignore the negative responses and persist? Or, like most people in the world with a heart, do you then adjust your 'self' to be less divisive/offensive/turbulent, in order to find a way to fit? (Mask)

Just struggling to fit a star shaped personality through a round hole atm, and it's made me very depressed

  • I would like to try to unmask but people at school make fun of me enough for my best "normal" self, so I have no idea how bad it would get if I was myself. I like to think when I graduate then I could unmask more because people would hopefully be more mature and be okay with it. But im afraid that I would have masked so long that I would just automatically go into mask mode whenever I go into public. 

    But it is the most annoying thing when people say "just be yourself". Be yourself might work for the charismatic confident fun people but not people like me

  • I get that Frozen. I’ve always been a background type of person and I’ve masked for that long it feels like that’s who I am. Really confusing 

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