
So, I was wondering if anyone else feels this way?

We are encouraged, these days, to just be ourselves. But if you have done this and always found the real you is rejected how on earth are you meant to live in the world authentically?

Just ignore the negative responses and persist? Or, like most people in the world with a heart, do you then adjust your 'self' to be less divisive/offensive/turbulent, in order to find a way to fit? (Mask)

Just struggling to fit a star shaped personality through a round hole atm, and it's made me very depressed

  • Thanks guys, good to know I'm not totally alone in feeling this.

    This may be a tangent, but I also think often we are some of the most sensitive people around too, so combining a '*** it' mentality and persisting with a diversive mentality or personality just doesn't go hand in hand. For me at least.

    I chew over this moments for days and weeks afterwards making my anxiety high and social discomfort greater

  • I wish I could unmask. I have masked for so long that I’m struggling to figure out what I’m like without it. When I do start to figure it out I am looking forward to hopefully having more energy tbh I read somewhere that to try and unmask you need to pay attention to how you are when you’re alone. Problem is when I’m alone I’m that exhausted I don’t do anything. 
    very frustrating 

  • Ha ha, yes. I just read a post on Quora. Somebody asked what autistic people do when they’re alone in private and somebody answered “sleep”.

    But I agree, when we’re adults we’ve been masking so long it’s an inherent part of who we are and it’s not easy to change.

  • Ha ha, yes. I just read a post on Quora. Somebody asked what autistic people do when they’re alone in private and somebody answered “sleep”.

    But I agree, when we’re adults we’ve been masking so long it’s an inherent part of who we are and it’s not easy to change.

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