Feeling like I have little control over my life

I know I can't control absolutely everything that happens in my life but I'd like to be able to control the things I can. Unfortunately, I can't.

I've always been a people pleaser, which doesn't help. I find myself more prone to wanting to lash out because of it, I've been in the same position for so long and my inability to assert myself or stand my ground doesn't help.

I would sooner let someone mistreat me than confront them because it's safer to just let them. I know I'll come away from it feeling more angry and resentful but I don't feel safe enough in the moment,

I'm intrigued as to what has helped people (if there is anything that has). Maybe there's something I've not dug deep into enough.

  • I can only speak for myself but what helped me feel more in control was bringing a lawsuit. When I felt I was a victim of an unfair system where the odds were rigged against me. When I felt bullied by society and social norms. When I felt everyone was against me and I couldn’t get a fair hearing. I brought a lawsuit. And suddenly it wasn’t about social norms or how people felt about me what was the easiest thing for other people with authority to do about me and other people not liking me. Suddenly it became about the law and how well I could argue my interpretation of the law. That’s how I took back control at least for a little while. By taking the cogs of the social machine that was trying to grind me up and forcing them to mesh with the bigger stronger cogs of the legal machine.

  • You can sue someone for not liking you?

  • If them not liking you is linked to your autism and they’re kicking you out of an organisation not just their group of friends then yes you can.

    you can actually bring a discrimination lawsuit because people think you are a weirdo (because you are autistic) and should therefore be kicked out.

  • This guy wrote a guide about suing for disability discrimination https://www.kingqueen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/DART-the-Disability-Attitude-Re-adjustment-Tool.pdf

    and here’s a similar guide but more directed towards autistic people suing student unions although some of it will apply to organisations other than student unions.


    The short answer is you go to your local County Court and fill out a form in triplicate and pay some money. in reality it’s a bit more complicated than that they expect you to contact the person you’re suing beforehand, The form is quite complicated and you’re gonna end up stapling pages to it because the box to describe your case is quite small. You’re going to want to fill out additional forms in triplicate probably to try and get money off how much you have to pay to file the case (theoretically if you’re poor enough you can get 100% knocked off).

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