Christmas night out

Just back from my work’s Christmas night out. Feeling very deflated. Watching everyone dancing and having fun, I felt like an alien or a ghost. Totally uninvolved with what was going on. And now I probably won’t speak to another human except a supermarket worker until January Worried

Life shouldn’t be this way. I deserve better.

  • I know this is hard, but you have got to take control of your life. Nobody else can help you, only you. My first day in the dorms of university I was scared to meet people and I thought other people would invite me out if they wanted to talk to me but they didn't, they were scared also, I had to take the opportunity to go out and meet them. Take that first step. Sometimes all it takes is 20 seconds of courage. If you are having a hard time at work then look at disability confident employers or work for Auticon, or KPMG, I am sure they would love to have you with your experience. If you want to meet people then you have got to take that step and do it. Nobody else can.

    Here is what I want you to do for me. A challenge. Find one event going on your local area. Look at the NAS website for autism focused groups, or go on facebook and then go to it. You have a cat, so there might be a pet meetup or something you could go to. Go to the local park. Anything, even if it terrifies you, do it. It won't change otherwise. A quote from Doctor Who “Courage isn’t just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It’s being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway.” It will be scary, you might not talk to anyone, that is ok.

    Read this book.

  • Sorry to hijack the thread, but is Auticon a real thing? They just sent me an autoemail about a newsletter and never called back. Their linkedin is empty, and their site is all static pages. It looks like an empty front to me, not a real company

  • Sorry to hijack the thread, but is Auticon a real thing? They just sent me an autoemail about a newsletter and never called back. Their linkedin is empty, and their site is all static pages. It looks like an empty front to me, not a real company

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