paranoia/delusion or just reading people wrong

i noticed that i often must read people wrong and get a idea that they dont respect me in some way and perceive a dirty look or suspiciousness and strangeness. i dunno whether its a symptom of me reading them wrong or perhaps its a delusion, so it could be either a psychotic delusionary symptom or it could be a social misreading of people. i dont know how to tell if its one or the other though.

it can be so that even people who were allied with me i get suspicious of later over anything. over slight tone change or facial expression difference. it doesnt help that i notice people i work with are kind to anothers face then speak poorly of them to others behind their backs and often backstab one another and try rat each other in.

but i suppose it also works both ways. one of my colleagues was saying to another that they cant read my face as i always have the same calm expression no matter what happens. and so said they cant read me or tell when im pulling a funny prank or anything because i always look the same, and cant really get revenge prank on me because nothing seems to bother me because my face is always the same calm expression apparently. 

i guess in the inability for others to read me they could then think im thinking bad things to them and have this same delusion and mistrust that i feel about them too, so i guess it likely works both ways around. a situation of mutual unable to read one another and then mutual paranoia about intentions.

but yeah im still on the fence whether its a social misread or whether i do have some sort of delusion or paranoia there. i look at things from all possibilities and logic so to me it puts everything as a possibility rather than a single absolute answer, until ofcourse the nhs does its job one day and gives me a answer, which they never will do.

  • My mum thought everyone was stealing from her, including her daughters.

    So, one day I walked in the house + the 1st thing she said to me (there was never a friendly 'hello') was 'have your stolen my scissors?'.

    So, when anything happened no matter how small she would attribute quite extreme and negative solutions to the problem.

    What you are doing seems quite normal to me and more importantly you are aware of what you are thinking and the possibility of misinterpretation.

    And no I didn't steal my mother's scissors Blush

  • My mum thought everyone was stealing from her, including her daughters.

    So, one day I walked in the house + the 1st thing she said to me (there was never a friendly 'hello') was 'have your stolen my scissors?'.

    So, when anything happened no matter how small she would attribute quite extreme and negative solutions to the problem.

    What you are doing seems quite normal to me and more importantly you are aware of what you are thinking and the possibility of misinterpretation.

    And no I didn't steal my mother's scissors Blush

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