Recent changes to the DWP and other recent news

Looking at some recent stories about the DWP and benefits where they want to look at people’s bank accounts, potentially arresting people for alleged fraud (even if the DWP made a mistake and gave someone an overpayment) along with other recently announced proposed changes that make life more difficult for disabled people, even affecting state pensions, these draconian measures are a concerning move towards dystopia - having not had a post-diagnostic assessment myself following my autism diagnosis in 2021 at age 53 now, I have no idea what my disabled support needs are, including in employment and what employment options are the most suitable, so in the absence of such reports, it will be simply assumed by the DWP that I have no support needs and I will be forced into the next job available, regardless of suitability and without any regard to “reasonable adjustments” in that job role, where if I attempt to request same, even at an early stage, because I will be deemed to have obtained the job on false pretences even if I have declared my autism at the start, I will be very quickly silenced and told to “be quiet and stop your nonsense” by those who simply refuse to understand autism issues - we already know that adult autism support is virtually non-existent for those of us diagnosed later in life and also, in the current cost of living crisis in the U.K., businesses are closing down at an alarming rate, high streets are looking like ghost towns and this is even affecting the bigger chains, who are moving all of their operations online if not going out of business altogether - there needs to be a law requiring that post diagnostic assessments are a legal requirement - there has even been reports suggesting that the DWP itself is failing as they themselves cannot get suitable staff, who are overworked, some of these staff have autism and their reasonable adjustments have been taken away, sickness absence within the DWP is at crisis levels, suggesting that even the benefits system is collapsing 

  • I couldn't possibly broadcast comment beyond the facts of the matter, as I understand them.  

  • Not a cat-in-hell's chance they'll get back in.....from what I can see

    A comforting thought, Number, Slight smile

  • they're not in a strong position and will probably lose the next GE.

    Not a cat-in-hell's chance they'll get back in.....from what I can see.

  • What I find odd is the very basic demagogue of pinning blame on society's most vulnerable

    Ah, that's an old one, very old. 

    It works because it targets a group that society already regards with unease and vilifies them - people buy into it because it basically gives them permission not to feel bad about those less (fill in blank) than themselves.

    Instead they can say - 'It's their own fault if they're poor/disabled/ill - So I don't have to take any social responsibility'.

    An easier sell than actual social responsibility, which requires people to think about uncomfortable realities.

  • Don't worry too much.
    They are reffering to Pensioners.
    Bear in mind though, even on benefite, if you have saved over £ 5000 you have to declare it.
    Laws have to be passed first, don't lose any sleep over it.

  • The Tories have total contempt for anyone who isn't wealthy. They tend to be from overprivileged environments. The Eton boys with private educations. So it's drilled into them from an early age they're just superior than everyone else. 

    You only have to look at Jacob Rees-Mogg to see how hopelessly out of touch with reality this government is. And they're running the show...

  • Very good point. What I find odd is the very basic demagogue of pinning blame on society's most vulnerable. You can see above Desmond has bought into that. But the fact so many believe it is bizarre. An easy answer. Perhaps they don't want to acknowledge the painful reality they've been taken for a ride by this particularly elitist, incompetent sect of Tory MPs. 

    It seems lost on people. 13 years of Tory rule and everything has gone to **** over 13 years. Is there possibly some connection? No, apparently it's all the fault of immigrants and benefits cheats!

  • It is, sadly, just the long-term, devastating nature of Conservative rule

    This government is not Conservative, not for some time. It is far-right Nationalist. Not far-right enough for some politicians, however, which is even more concerning.

    At the moment, they're busy undermining the freedoms we all take for granted. We have enabled them to do it by leaving the EU, essentially. We will soon discover that the only freedoms taken back are government freedoms to do as it wishes without bar or scrutiny. 

    They have their reasons, none of them for the benefit of the general population.

    On the plus side, they're not in a strong position and will probably lose the next GE. Let's hope so. 

  • 100% agree with this.

    Feels like all they want to do to the little man is crush him.

  • It is, sadly, just the long-term, devastating nature of Conservative rule. All this government has done since 2010 is provide the wealthy with amazing tax breaks, whilst forcing austerity, wage stagnation, a housing crisis, and many other issues on the nation.

    I don't like making things political. And if the Tories were doing a good job that'd be fine.

    But it's been catastrophic. This is a government that has treated the disabled as subhuman over the last decade with cuts after cuts. It won't remotely begin to get better until this government is gone.

    Starmer's centrist Labour vision isn't the radical overhaul that's essential right now, but anything is a step above this current mess. Where we've got a Home Secretary who called being homeless a "lifestyle choice".

  • The System is about giving everything to the unproductive, at the expense of the productive.

    Besides, those cute enough to take advantage before will do the same. I heard of a family from Dungannon who make their entire living out of claims. And another one, from the same town, who brought a balloon full of water so she could wet herself. Not only did she get accepted, she bought a new Shogun.

    It's wash rinse repeat, until the entire world becomes American.