My assessment with PUK today

This morning I was assessed online by Psychiatry UK - where I was told that they cannot provide a diagnosis of ASD where related comorbidities exist.

This doesn't make sense to me -  as PUK knew related comorbidities existed before adding me to the ten-month waiting list... having diagnosed me with ADHD the year before.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Does anyone know where I may seek a diagnosis of ASD comorbid with ADHD?

I don't know what to believe about myself anymore.



  • Hi Heather

    I can't help you sorry. I just wanted to say that sounds pretty sh*tty.  If they knew they existed they should have pointed you somewhere else so you didn't have to wait ten months. And like 50% of autistic people have adhd aswell anyway so are they only looking for the other 50%. I thought it was common to have asd with other neurological conditions. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I hope you find help.

  • Hi Heather

    I can't help you sorry. I just wanted to say that sounds pretty sh*tty.  If they knew they existed they should have pointed you somewhere else so you didn't have to wait ten months. And like 50% of autistic people have adhd aswell anyway so are they only looking for the other 50%. I thought it was common to have asd with other neurological conditions. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I hope you find help.

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