My assessment with PUK today

This morning I was assessed online by Psychiatry UK - where I was told that they cannot provide a diagnosis of ASD where related comorbidities exist.

This doesn't make sense to me -  as PUK knew related comorbidities existed before adding me to the ten-month waiting list... having diagnosed me with ADHD the year before.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Does anyone know where I may seek a diagnosis of ASD comorbid with ADHD?

I don't know what to believe about myself anymore.



  • That is absolutely not true. Sometimes when assessment centres think you might be autistic and ADHD they will diagnose the ADHD first to see if management strategies for that allow for a more accurate assessment of your autistic traits, but they can definitely diagnose autism when you have related conditions too. I have a diagnosis of generalised anxiety disorder, and if anything that was considered evidence FOR an autism diagnosis, not against it.

  • I was diagnosed with ASD by PUK and during the same assessment received diagnoses of generalised anxiety disorder and social phobia. If those are not comorbidities, I do not know what they are.

  • Hi Heather

    I can't help you sorry. I just wanted to say that sounds pretty sh*tty.  If they knew they existed they should have pointed you somewhere else so you didn't have to wait ten months. And like 50% of autistic people have adhd aswell anyway so are they only looking for the other 50%. I thought it was common to have asd with other neurological conditions. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I hope you find help.