Freshly diagnosed ... Now what?

Hello all

I've just been diagnosed as Autistic. It's been suspected for years but now its fully confirmed. So.. this might sound stupid but what now?

Do i get a diagnosis letter? Will this diagnosis help me with anything benefit related? Does this make PIP a permanent thing for me? Is autism recognised as a life long pip disability?

I'm not really sure what I'm asking here. I'm just not sure what to expect as the diagnosis was so stressful for me i never really thought about what happens after so feeling a bit lost.

Thanks for any advice

  • Congrats on your diagnosis - welcome to our special club.

    But what now?
    I guess that depends on your local NHS trust (assuming that you were disagnosed through NHS rather than private).
    I received a 12 page report around a week after diagnosis along with a 1 page letter for me to share with my employer.

    I was also referred to a number of post diagnosis group sessions which run over a 6 week period. I attended the 1st session and didn't bother with any of the others as it was so poor and of little to no help. I mean, the 2 ladies presenting the course litterally read verbatim from PowerPoint slides and really didn't to have any real world experienmce of autism.

    I'm afraid that it is quite bleak [in terms of post diagnosis support], especially if you are a "late life" diagnosis.
    That's my experience so far.

    What I would recommend is finding online resources.
    I managed to find a couple of guys on YouTube that resonated with me and where I am at in life.
    No disrespect, but I really couldn't relate to Vloggers from different demographics such as younger generation, female, LGBT, etc.
    That's not to say that they wouldn't help others - I guess its a case of each to their own.

    Wishing the best of luck

  • i mean it was 3 of your questions so it counts as half answered i think lol

    to answer the first question, what you do now is whatever you would do, life stays the same, so what you do depends on what you want to do.

    not sure about a letter but you should have any diagnosis listed in your medical record.

    and thats all the other questions asked so i guess the 3 questions i answered was more 65% instead of half so i stand corrected.

  • Thats not really what i was asking but thanks.

  • to get pip you need to fill out a load of questions which are point based.

    to qualify for pip you have to answer highest based answer such as you need assistance to go outside and walk and cant go out or move without anyone and that you need someone to help you go to the toilet..

    so as you see, autism doesnt entirely qualify for pip, and yes to anyone reading this who have got it and answered wrong, the government is actually going to be testing your answers in the future so if you said you cant go out without help or without someone and have low mobility if you are photographed by the gov investigators out then they will make you pay as many years back as what you claimed. its best to stay safe.... i myself got stung by the gov wanting me to pay them back job seekers allowance after they found my grandmother left me some savings which put me over the benefit allowance for like 5 months or something and they really chased me on that and treated me like a criminal so i strongly advise anyone staying 100000% truthful and dont even try stretch the truth. even claiming you didnt understand the questions wont work with this system if they find a question has been stretched or answered incorrect, this system is brutal on chasing you lol