How adult is the adult section allowed to be?

What are the rules around that?

  • This is just my opinion, but during my time as a member here (approximately 18 months), I have observed that when a discussion strays into truly adult territory, it can result in getting heated quite quickly. For some, it can just be too triggering, especially if they have had traumatic experiences in the past.

    I can't recall if it was last year, or earlier this year... A former member had asked a question about a deeply personal matter, relating to a solo adult activity... I'm trying to choose my words carefully here. In addition to causing amusement amongst some members, it also caused a lot of upset and demands from some members for the moderators to completely remove the discussion.

    If one takes the time to look, one can stumble across some really open and frank discussions about sex. Only a few days ago I happened to find one that was created about 3 years ago. From my perspective, I found it refreshingly honest, and I thought it was great that the members involved felt comfortable enough to be as open as they were.

    I just don't think it would happen now without someone taking offence and objecting.

  • I just don't think it would happen now without someone taking offence and objecting.

    But it's worth considering that we'll never find out whether these conversations could happen if no one starts them for fear of causing offence.

  • Sadly, I think it has been proven that such discussions can get contentious, and too distressing for some members. This is why I am all in favour of there being a 'private' opt-in forum for those kinds of discussions.

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