Assessment call with Psychiatry UK tomorrow

I've got my assessment video call tomorrow morning, I feel sick and so anxious I can't do anything or eat. I need to know as the uncertainty is horrible but equally I don't know how I feel about an answer either way.

Does anyone have any experience they can share of this? Or what to expect? Maybe being more prepared will help.

  • Yeah, I was bricking it with nerves as well. During the assessment and then waiting for my results. Is it the assessment or the results you're expecting? 

    Do you know specifically when the call will be? Maybe go for a 30 minute walk before it starts so you're not racing through your thoughts too much. Listen to some music you like, too, to get into a good mental health space for the call.

    You'll find they're professionals so if you're very nervous just tell them. Say you're having some issues, so if you need to stop talking to compose yourself at any point don't be afraid to do that. 

  • It's at 10am, and my husband is doing the call with me because I tend to shutdown and stop talking when I'm anxious. At least if he's there he can encourage me a bit.

    I was hoping they'd at least give an initial verdict at the end, I'm not sure I can cope with waiting for a result after.

    I've got a bit of a sensory nest in my bedroom, I can stick my headphones on and curl up for a bit I. There before the call.

  • I know it's difficult, but practice deep breathing exercises and anything else you find relaxing. Stimming and repetitive movements - pacing around etc. That sensory nest sounds like an ideal option!

    Main thing is you can't do anything about it until tomorrow morning. So aim to enjoy your evening and just view it as by 12 tomorrow it'll be done. Then you can chill and enjoy the whole weekend and get something you like over the weekend. A takeaway or something.

    That's what I do when something is causing me issues (job interview etc.) - I focus on things in the future and try not to live too much in the moment until it happens. Then you'll be surprised you can power through.

    But again, don't worry if you have issues in the assessment. That's what they're there to assess.

    Based on my assessment, they won't likely give you any details about what they think at first as they need to go off and discuss it. They discussed it as a team after my assessment.

    That's what this forum is for, anyway, afterward you can come back here and let us know how it went.

  • Not really, they do a lot of work for the ISS, lots of research and development. I have a friend that works for the National Centre for Earth Observation, she's always telling what all the different space agencies are doing.

  • theres always a place for everyone. theyd need cleaners too and stuff lol
    plus i doubt the european space agency really does anything anyway but take up funding.

  • I'd thoroughly enjoy working for the ESA I think but I'm very much not qualified unfortunately.

  • not to be confused with the european space agency ofcourse lol

  • I also have very longstanding depression and anxiety which has massively effected my ability to work. So that, along with the practical challenges I have regardless of a diagnosis, means that I have been awarded PIP and I get ESA.

  • you tried to claim pip and esa before any diagnosis assessment? 
    wouldnt that fail immediately without any diagnosis to prop it up for consideration? 

  • Having gone through everything recently to claim ESA and PIP, once I get into the swing of things I'm hoping it will flow more easily.

    A friend has come over to help distract me so that's helping.

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