Urgent advocate needed for 22nd for court

I need easy read. I know this not possible here. Please try break down your reply or sentences to help me understand.

I in court 22nd Nov. child social services.

I had assessment say I not have capacity without support. I have no support. Court make me go anyway.

I have no advocate. Can anyone find one? 

edit. As update. No advocate or intermediary provided so been declare lack capacity. Not been told outcome or why or when see children. Children were removed and no allowed say goodbye

Parents Reply
  • https://weareadvocate.org.uk/contact-us.html

    Go to bottom of page

    Fill in your details

    In the box "your message" write

    I need urgent help. I am in child services court on 22nd November. The court have said I need an advocate because I don't have capacity to understand and make decisions without one. My solicitor is not helping me understand what to do. I am autistic and have (put any other conditions here). Please use plain English and easy read. Someone wrote this for me because I find writing hard. 

    Tick the two boxes

    Click submit


    Does that help? 
