Hi just wondering

Has anyone else dealt with bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace, some of which is related to your disabilities? And how did you deal with it. May or may not be asking hypothetically.

What channels did you go through, like who did you tell, did you pursue anything legally? 

  • I told my manager. I hope it will get solved without involving the boss and works council. The bully makes fun of me getting scared of sudden noises and getting panic attack, crying etc. this is not the first time I’m bullied, but other instances were more subtle like exclusion, eye rolls, gossips, giggling at me and others. Sometimes I wasn’t even sure if it’s a bully or my impression. But in this case it’s clear and the guy knows already that I’m sensitive to sensory input but did it again despite knowing that. Good thing is that the manager seems to understand and on my side in this case. 

  • I have dealt with all of this. Please go to HR. If your manager hasn't done anything to address the situation you have a right to

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