Hi just wondering

Has anyone else dealt with bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace, some of which is related to your disabilities? And how did you deal with it. May or may not be asking hypothetically.

What channels did you go through, like who did you tell, did you pursue anything legally? 

  • Me too. But working for a big company and if your manager has been there in the company for a while, always the case is going to be putting the company first

  • For me HR is the absolutely last step I would prefer to avoid. I just disclosed to my manager my autism (I also wanted to avoid that) but had to. He seems to be understanding and he already spoke to that guy so I hope it will help.

  • ACAS might advise you better, you could have legal standing here. Anyway I hope you figure it out before it gets any worse

  • Hi,  Yes I have had significant issues,  I'm llucky as Im public sector and therefore a little more protected than private sector. The phrase on the spectrum is widely use for our customers in an offensive way.  I utilsed grievance procedure HR etc nothing changed.   I uave good support from one or two confidants but primarily my new tactic is to call people out and threaten that I'll report them.  Thats seems to work better than anything but the only issue with that is making sure you dont put a foot out of line yourself.  

  • I have dealt with all of this. Please go to HR. If your manager hasn't done anything to address the situation you have a right to

  • I told my manager. I hope it will get solved without involving the boss and works council. The bully makes fun of me getting scared of sudden noises and getting panic attack, crying etc. this is not the first time I’m bullied, but other instances were more subtle like exclusion, eye rolls, gossips, giggling at me and others. Sometimes I wasn’t even sure if it’s a bully or my impression. But in this case it’s clear and the guy knows already that I’m sensitive to sensory input but did it again despite knowing that. Good thing is that the manager seems to understand and on my side in this case. 

  • Sorry to hear about your experiences. For me the company I work for cares more about profit as they have shareholders to please. 7 months later I still encounter people like this and this kind of situation. I have been to HR etc but again, they don't care. Hoping I am not condemned to this place forever as I have no qualifications, or idea of what to do. The only thing I am good at is creative stuff, and I do some of that but it isn't going anywhere

  • I'm afraid I have nothing positive to report. 

    Told line manager

    Told her manager

    I got moved to a different team

    Bully continued until he put it in writing and I screen shot and sent to manager. He was not disciplined.  I was put on performance review for communication issues and ultimately fired on ill health as I was then diagnosed and they didn't know how to support me.

  • Ive dealt with bullying alot. Even people who act like my friends, I find out were actually just interacting with me to use me as entertainment and make fun of me. Other people will be more obvious about it though. I personally never did anything about, but it probably is a good idea to say something especially if its hurting your mental health.