Winter and Functioning

If you are posting on this thread please stick to experience or sharing of positive things and please avoid debate which would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I am finding my executive functioning is quite low at the moment due to quite a few challenges at the same time and the limited light. A lot of my forms of relaxation require good light for my vision to be good enough. Each week at work ( I do a maximum of 4 days) feels a challenge at the moment, so I try to celebrate a week achieved at a time. 

I try to find positives in nature that is mostly on the decline at this time of year. My positive for this week is the smell of damp leaves.

Does anyone else find this time of year difficult?

I enjoy reading people's funny experiences on here, but they are sadly lacking at the moment. 

  • Yes I find this time of year challenging and bleak. Autumn and winter are my least fave part of the year cause everything is dark and cold and almost depressing.

    One smell I do like that's associated with this time of year is hot chocolate my mum always makes one for us every Saturday morn so this time of year I love that smell and the taste of it. I don't get it with any other time of the year.

    Another thing I like is my Xmas jumper it's a good material and doesn't set me off and it lights up so I'm like a Xmas tree lololol Joy 

    School is darker and colder this time of year. Break time is horrible cause it's normally freezing and then there's the walking home in the dark and cold.

    Last year it was icy and I fell over and broke my wrist so I try to go more careful now lol Joy 

    And I've found the same with car headlights like Max they are so bright and it's really dazzling. I try to keep my head down to avoid them when it's dark.

    One thing I do also like is wearing my reindeer antlers headband lololol Stuck out tongue

  • I get nervous about the ice and now walk with poles.

    What hat do you like to put in your hot chocolate? Marshmallow or cream? 

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