Remedies for over peopled brains ...

3hrs 'babysitting' an 11yo (aka feeding and playing oculus with him)

1hr with his mum and adult sibling. 

I feel like my brain is dripping out my ears, my skin is crawling, sound hurts and the heating smells.

I'm going to lie in the dark for a bit. 

What do you folks do? 

  • I go and lie down too, where I'll be joined (or accompanied by) a nice small warm furry creature and about an hour and a half later if I am lucky (three if I'm particularly burned out) I will arise, and heeding the wise, wise, words of Maj General Charles E Yeager (as articulated often in the 1990's computer games that bear his name) "get back up there, and try it again"...

  • I go and lie down too, where I'll be joined (or accompanied by) a nice small warm furry creature and about an hour and a half later if I am lucky (three if I'm particularly burned out) I will arise, and heeding the wise, wise, words of Maj General Charles E Yeager (as articulated often in the 1990's computer games that bear his name) "get back up there, and try it again"...

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