Remedies for over peopled brains ...

3hrs 'babysitting' an 11yo (aka feeding and playing oculus with him)

1hr with his mum and adult sibling. 

I feel like my brain is dripping out my ears, my skin is crawling, sound hurts and the heating smells.

I'm going to lie in the dark for a bit. 

What do you folks do? 

  • Probably same as many people on here - I take myself away for a while.
    You'll find me up in the office (spare room) browsing the internet or losing myself in music.

    I'm one of those people who find it difficult to do nothing (eg, lie down in a quiet dark room) - I'm always needing to be doing something. Apparently even whilst sleeping I am still quite active (periodic limb movement disorder, shouting, etc).

  • Probably same as many people on here - I take myself away for a while.
    You'll find me up in the office (spare room) browsing the internet or losing myself in music.

    I'm one of those people who find it difficult to do nothing (eg, lie down in a quiet dark room) - I'm always needing to be doing something. Apparently even whilst sleeping I am still quite active (periodic limb movement disorder, shouting, etc).

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