Traditional / Old Fashioned Thinking

As an older person with Autism, I was brought up in very different times with different thinking, values, acceptance, behaviour, etc (1970's & 80's).

The World has changed so much since then - both for better and worse.
There have been so many advancements - particularly in science and this has benefitted us ASD'ers immensely.

One thing that is troubling me is that I hold a lot of "principles" that in this day and age would be considered "Old Fashioned", "Traditional", maybe even "Bigotry" or worse.
There are things that I struggle to understand or accept which are based on my traditional attitude. I was brought up in an era when....

  • Boys had girlfriends and girls has boyfriends
  • You were born a boy and died a man
  • Men married women
  • Humour was not censored
  • People weren't "cancelled"

I openly discuss or rant about these topics along with some others that may be considered taboo with closed friends and family who have all become somewhat numb to my outrageousness / inappropriateness.

I have however managed to "behave" in public (stayed on the right side of the law), but occasionally do mutter things with a level of cowardice.
My concern is that now that I am officially autistic, the shackles of having to mask may have been broken and that has the potential of me saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

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  • Again, I don't consider this as arguing, more as discussion & debate.

    I watched the One Day video on YouTube and yes, it's a nice song. Very much Lennon's Imagine from the early 80's.

    Thing is though, as much as its a nice song with positive message hopes, on the flip side it's quite depressing because that One Day will never come, or at least not in my lifetime. Take a look at the big bad World and all that is going on at the moment. 

    There is a big bad world out there and as much as why try to hide it, ignore it, pretend that its not there, I'm afraid that it is there and it is real.