News/current affairs

Since the Palestine/Israel conflict began, I've stopped reading the news (I don't watch TV or listen to the radio, anyway).

This is to protect my mental health as my responses to the various conflicts in the world tend to either be anger or distress.

I've never done this before but for several decades of my life news wasn't so readily available.

The internet changed all that.

I don't know how long I will be able to isolate myself in this way, but I had become rather addicted to the BBC news website, constantly updating it to see the latest.

Does this resonate with anyone?

  • Watching current affairs is like watching a lit fuse burn.  Listening to current affairs, is likewise.

    Notwithstanding this opinion, I do still keep watch on the world, lament. but also try to do whatever small things I can to keep us all, as one, for as long as possible and to the extent possible.

    Caveat Emptor advisable with your news sources.

    We need to keep trying to be sane and reasonable.  We NEED to watch ourselves and our current affairs - in more ways that one.

    A sorrowful but realistic Number (steps down and packs up the soap box, till the next time.)

  • Watching current affairs is like watching a lit fuse burn.  Listening to current affairs, is likewise.

    Notwithstanding this opinion, I do still keep watch on the world, lament. but also try to do whatever small things I can to keep us all, as one, for as long as possible and to the extent possible.

    Caveat Emptor advisable with your news sources.

    We need to keep trying to be sane and reasonable.  We NEED to watch ourselves and our current affairs - in more ways that one.

    A sorrowful but realistic Number (steps down and packs up the soap box, till the next time.)
