News/current affairs

Since the Palestine/Israel conflict began, I've stopped reading the news (I don't watch TV or listen to the radio, anyway).

This is to protect my mental health as my responses to the various conflicts in the world tend to either be anger or distress.

I've never done this before but for several decades of my life news wasn't so readily available.

The internet changed all that.

I don't know how long I will be able to isolate myself in this way, but I had become rather addicted to the BBC news website, constantly updating it to see the latest.

Does this resonate with anyone?

  • i feel things like isreal is kinda pointless for our news networks to be reporting on.... people then take to the streets and whine about it but yet its none of their business, this isnt anywhere geographically near and it has nothing  to do with it, but yet people would whine about it as if it has something to do with their lives... they protest in london about it in millions.... but yet it has no effect here as we are not isreal... meanwhile isreal is thousands of miles away and will never effect them, but it only has like 2 million population anyway, all them protestors could go there and isreal wont be able to handle that many people.... theyd have their effect that way if they REALLY cared about the issue that the media riled them up about... but they wont do that, because they dont want to go to isreal or palestine... because they never really cared in the first place lol

  • My problem is when people are pressured (often celebrities) to say something on social media. I don't know what impact that would personally have.

    It's horrible but I don't know if we as individuals can physically do anything, much as I obviously don't expect it to be ignored.

  • My problem is when people are pressured (often celebrities) to say something on social media. I don't know what impact that would personally have.

    It's horrible but I don't know if we as individuals can physically do anything, much as I obviously don't expect it to be ignored.

  • yeah i see a guy i do a fitness thing with is constantly posting about palestine and taking a side when both sides are kinda as bad as one another but yet at the same time it doesnt matter as it has nothing to do with us, its thousands of miles away. if we make it to do with us then we get terror attacks here.