News/current affairs

Since the Palestine/Israel conflict began, I've stopped reading the news (I don't watch TV or listen to the radio, anyway).

This is to protect my mental health as my responses to the various conflicts in the world tend to either be anger or distress.

I've never done this before but for several decades of my life news wasn't so readily available.

The internet changed all that.

I don't know how long I will be able to isolate myself in this way, but I had become rather addicted to the BBC news website, constantly updating it to see the latest.

Does this resonate with anyone?

  • When I was younger I got involved in things I cared about.

    I remember putting Amnesty International posters up in my 6th Form + the teachers taking them back down again.

    I supported CND and was a member (+ typed the local newsletter), went on Anti Apartheid marches, boycotted South Africa + onwards and upwards as priorities changed.

    I've always been quite politically minded too although I haven't actually joined a party.

    I do really care how this country is run and by whom + also other countries.

    So, because of all this, I feel guilty now not following the news.

    I feel that it demonstrates that I don't care.

    I sort of feel an obligation to follow it and to be knowledgeable.

    However,  the input on this thread is invaluable as I'm realising that maybe it's that I care 'too much' + that I need to care a little more for myself.

    Thank you everyone.

  • not joining a party is good though... as soon as you join a party of support the party system your supporting delegation of thought and ideas to a dictator. party system is delegation of each issue which then makes our system into a elective dictatorship rather than a democracy.

  • not joining a party is good though... as soon as you join a party of support the party system your supporting delegation of thought and ideas to a dictator. party system is delegation of each issue which then makes our system into a elective dictatorship rather than a democracy.

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