Couldn't even do the tasks

One of them was the demonstrating of brushing teeth, and also making up a story with 5 objects, and making up a story on a story book. I couldn't even do these tasks. Plus I couldn't even express how I feel when I am happy and sad internally. Is this gonna cause my assessment to be inconclusive? 

Parents Reply Children
  • how does one know they are happy except they feel less anxious !

    I actually said "lack of tension and anxiety" when they asked me to describe happiness! I don't know how else to describe it.

    I got my diagnosis, by the way, and I suspect you will too. Whether you can do the tasks or not is less important than the way you approach them and how you react to being asked to do them. For example, I did the tooth-brushing task just fine- but not before asking the assessor a lot of questions about how specific they wanted me to be, whether they wanted MY method or just a generic one, etc. They're looking at behaviour, not right or wrong answers.

  • I was exactly the same.

    I must get so many different feelings and I have no idea what they are I just know that I feel overwhelmed when I'm feeling them

    You defos aren't alone with this I think so many here can understand it :) 

  • This is why therapy doesn’t work for me. They keep saying “and how does that make you feel?” and I keep saying “I don’t know!” Joy

    Apparently it’s called alexithymia and very common for autistic people.