Going to a concert on your own

I went to my first concert in August 2022 - Westlife at Wembley Stadium. A choice for my first concert but I intended to make a day of it in London and meet friends (which didn't go to plan).

I've just come back from my second concert - JLS at the Birmingham Utilita Arena. Very different circumstances from the last one; no friends and my confidence level is as low as it can be. I did wear my sunflower lanyard this time.

I think in both cases the fear of judgement got the better of me. I was able to bob side to side, clap and mouth along to the song but I didn't let myself dance.

Getting caught up in those big crowds when leaving was hard - it's this part I wish I had someone with me for. Also walking through town on my own at night - I can appreciate how scary it can be for women/femme people.

I know I can do it but I think just for my own safety and comfort I'd prefer people with me.

I remember when I was 18, I had to go for this job assessment day thing. I had to wear a suit, make notes about sales, and it was like a 12 hour day. Came home and was pretty upset, insisting that I have someone with me next time I have to go for a job interview or something.

I'm mixed with it. I don't always need company, but I know now the value of it. I'm awkward enough on my own, it's worse when I've got more to think about.

Yeah, just in a reflective mood. I'm glad I did it though, it was nice to have my annual night out (!).

  • I am awaiting an autism assessment but I believe I am on the autistic spectrum.

    Music is a love of mine and a great way to escape the world around me. I love going to gigs and usually go alone. Whilst I am quite anxious as I arrive at the venue, I am fine as soon as the band gets going. At that point, we are all looking and listening to the same thing. The number of people around me loses its grip as I am only focused on the performance.

    Going alone means I can leave if need be without it impacting on anyone else. 

    Put me in a shopping centre or conference hall with that many people and I'd be anything but OK. For me, music is a key part of who I am and how I cope with this world.

  • I am awaiting an autism assessment but I believe I am on the autistic spectrum.

    Music is a love of mine and a great way to escape the world around me. I love going to gigs and usually go alone. Whilst I am quite anxious as I arrive at the venue, I am fine as soon as the band gets going. At that point, we are all looking and listening to the same thing. The number of people around me loses its grip as I am only focused on the performance.

    Going alone means I can leave if need be without it impacting on anyone else. 

    Put me in a shopping centre or conference hall with that many people and I'd be anything but OK. For me, music is a key part of who I am and how I cope with this world.

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