My friendship has ended over a stupid mistake.

My friends bf dad had a stroke in March. And he’s only just come home. The bf got him an Alexa to call for help if he fell and I laughed.

Just at older people using the Alexa, not his dad falling over. Don’t ask why I laughed I just did. The bf never wants to see me again and never wants me in the flat. He’s been crying because of it. I feel so bad.

my friend has said they need space from me for a few months so they can figure out what to do/if they still want to be friends with me.

this so all over a misunderstanding. I don’t understand why I’ve been cut out of their life’s. I haven’t been sleeping, I’ve been off work and I’ve been crying in bed when I’m at home.

I’ve said sorry but it hasn’t helped. I don’t know what to do or how to feel. I feel like I’m just waiting for them to text me to confirm it’s over.

my depression is bad. And it’s getting worse. 

  • I’d just be honest and say why was you were actually laughing at it, and you did not mean to cause offence at all.and then maybe just add something like sometimes my autism causes me to act inappropriately for example laughing at things that are not funny. I’m really sorry this caused offence and I really hope we can move on from this but I will give you space for when you’re ready to talk and then leave it at that? 

    I think it’s so easy to just react to something without thinking through the consequences, and I feel this is even more of an issue for those with autism. I remember laughing when my friend told me that someone in her family had died. It was not that I found it funny, I just didn’t know how to react, or what to say in such a traumatic situation and unfortunately my response was just to laugh. Maybe if you explain a little about autism and how it can make someone struggle with communication and emotions it may help explain it to them? 

    hope things sort themselves out with the relationship, don’t be too hard on yourself, you didn’t mean any harm or anything intentional, and I don’t know if this is wrong to say…but I feel like them saying they need space for a few months and refusing to talk to you is really overreacting and harsh! I’d hope that a good friend would be more understanding? 

  • I’d just be honest and say why was you were actually laughing at it, and you did not mean to cause offence at all.and then maybe just add something like sometimes my autism causes me to act inappropriately for example laughing at things that are not funny. I’m really sorry this caused offence and I really hope we can move on from this but I will give you space for when you’re ready to talk and then leave it at that? 

    I think it’s so easy to just react to something without thinking through the consequences, and I feel this is even more of an issue for those with autism. I remember laughing when my friend told me that someone in her family had died. It was not that I found it funny, I just didn’t know how to react, or what to say in such a traumatic situation and unfortunately my response was just to laugh. Maybe if you explain a little about autism and how it can make someone struggle with communication and emotions it may help explain it to them? 

    hope things sort themselves out with the relationship, don’t be too hard on yourself, you didn’t mean any harm or anything intentional, and I don’t know if this is wrong to say…but I feel like them saying they need space for a few months and refusing to talk to you is really overreacting and harsh! I’d hope that a good friend would be more understanding? 
