trouble communicating

sorry if this is wrong place i made this post on mental health forum but no one replied to me Disappointed

will copy what i put here and hope someone can help me if this is autisim or not because im having alot of trouble...

i am constantly overthinking my social intereactions with my family worried im annoying people and finding it so hard and cant keep asking my family is ok to say hello etc 

or i will say hello and not say something again incase that is wrong of me im finding social intereactions so hard i just want to give up and go back to my room and stop tryna communicate 

  • Hello 88424, Ben here,

    I'm afraid the only people who can answer your questions accurately are psychologists.  You are describing anxiety, the most common symptom of autism...  just ask anyone on the forum.   However, the thing is, there are many many other conditions that can cause similar symptoms and difficulties, so you really need to see about getting an appointment. Talking to your GP is usually the first step.  Book an appointment and think about how you are going to describe your symptoms, make some notes.....  once you're there it's easy to get tongue-tied and leave out something important, so keep your notepad with you.

    I really think that that's the next step... give it a try; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    Look after yourself and book that appointment.

    I wish you well.


  • Hello and thanks for replying to me I do have a diagnosis of autisim but no support with anything it’s really effecting me at home and engaging with family.. wish it wasn’t I will call the gp tommorrow morning 

  • I do have a diagnosis of autisim but no support with anything it’s really effecting me at home and engaging with family.

    That is quite normal - dissapointing but there is almost no support for adult autists unless you are almost unable to function, and even then it can be an uphill struggle.

    This site is the best resurce in the country for adults on the spectrum so use it as best you can and ask away about the things you need help with and we can offer advice.

  • I do have a diagnosis of autisim but no support with anything it’s really effecting me at home and engaging with family.

    That is quite normal - dissapointing but there is almost no support for adult autists unless you are almost unable to function, and even then it can be an uphill struggle.

    This site is the best resurce in the country for adults on the spectrum so use it as best you can and ask away about the things you need help with and we can offer advice.
