Birthday Looming.

Sorry for being depressive, it happens around this time every year, my birthday is looming. I’m happy to be left alone, I hate days that are different. The questions have started, “ what are you doing for your birthday?” All I want is to be left alone. I get that people try to be nice, I’m just happy to have a normal day. The hardest part is being taken out for dinner, here’s a menu, panic, everyone else seems to navigate the menu in 20 seconds, I stare at it and the waiter is back before I can even workout what I can’t eat. Sorry just ranting.

  • Definitely look up the menu before you go and make decisions. I always do this, as it takes some of the uncertainty out. Also most places have photos online of what the inside is like, so I always check for things like that.

    Presumably saying to them that you don’t want to go doesn’t work, maybe just make up an excuse to get out of it? Say you’re ill on the day or something? 

  • Definitely look up the menu before you go and make decisions. I always do this, as it takes some of the uncertainty out. Also most places have photos online of what the inside is like, so I always check for things like that.

    Presumably saying to them that you don’t want to go doesn’t work, maybe just make up an excuse to get out of it? Say you’re ill on the day or something? 

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