Always being right

Hi , Do  autistic people think they are always right?

  • Remember the golden rule: "Feelings do not care about your facts".

    Normies give the utmost importance to their feels, none at all about facts. Even if you are factually right, it's better to shut up instead of harming their feels.

  • Remember the golden rule: "Feelings do not care about your facts".

    Normies give the utmost importance to their feels, none at all about facts. Even if you are factually right, it's better to shut up instead of harming their feels.

  • This was especially true during Covid and given my own life experiences as an older gay man before both Covid and my diagnosis in 2021, I listened very carefully to both sides of the debates before siding with the Irish truth and patriot movements around Covid, the vaccines and other issues around geopolitics etc, using the teachings of my Catholic faith as my guidepost - it became increasingly difficult to try to convince others of my arguments during Covid, as my diagnosis put me at a disadvantage, as it became easier for others to dismiss and discredit my arguments as nonsense, as they maintained that “you do not understand that you are always wrong by default” in the light of the diagnosis - I silently observed from the sidelines while continuing to do my research and eventually, I managed to get through to some people - what I found the most surprising was that people who one would normally expect to be super-intelligent and rational instead used toxic positivity and allowed their feelings to override their rational nature to shut down all arguments in relation to Covid and were by far the most resistant, listening the most to MSM propaganda, indoctrination and brainwashing such as with statements like “trust the science” and “the science is settled” and yet they could not see the connection, yet someone like myself who had never attended university could clearly see what was really going on right from the start, as in the 10 years before Covid, I sensed that something was “off” with so many areas, but I’d always get told to “shut up” and “pack it in” when I attempted to join in such discussions or bring up such topics for conversation, they simply did not want to hear anything at all coming “from the likes of me” even before my diagnosis 

  • A problem that I have is that, some days I have the facts, others days they are reduced to feelings.  
    In my pursuit to have faith in clearer versions of myself, others often circle with temporarily-superior rhetoric as they paint their opinions as uncontested facts, but in back of my head I know that I’ve won and would win on brighter days.

    Sometimes, I can feel the words of ‘normies’ start to poison the faith I have in my own truth, but I know I have to hold and wait it out. I wonder whether some of the service-providers that I talk to would contest me if they weren’t being paid to, or would they cease their songs as the weather changed..Thinking