Friends wanting me to be different

Why is it whenever I make friends they want me to change and be different? I work hard at friendships and not once has anyone ever accepted me for who I am. It's getting annoying now. I feel like I'm getting somewhere and then they show their true colours.

  • In what way do they want you to change and be different? 

    I learnt that true friends accept us the way we are. If they dont they i dont want them as a friend. It hasnt always been like this though. Some friends made demands on me, were jealous of my independence. I didnt realise at the time. Hopefully you will find the right friends for you to have in your life x

  • In what way do they want you to change and be different? 

    I learnt that true friends accept us the way we are. If they dont they i dont want them as a friend. It hasnt always been like this though. Some friends made demands on me, were jealous of my independence. I didnt realise at the time. Hopefully you will find the right friends for you to have in your life x

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