
I'm interested in whether anyone here has dated before and what your experience had been.

I've never dated but I want to and then I don't want to because I'm so anxious all the time and it gets in the way of most things in my life. I've been wanting to date since I was 20 and now I'm nearing the end of my 20s.

In those years I've never dated anyone. I don't have any friends. I hardly go out and I'm so anxious all the time.

I worry about what will happen when my family are gone. I don't want to end up alone for the rest of my life but the chances of me dating are so slim and then there's no guarantee it would work out for me anyway.

  • I have dated and I'm currently engaged to get married next year. I've been with my fiancé almost 8 years it will be 8 years next month. And while I cherish my current relationship and I love what we have, dating was difficult to say the least. I used a few dating apps and meeting people off of them was anxiety inducing which made things uncomfortable but not impossible. On top of that I met a variety of people who weren't always the nicest. I have a few failed relationships behind me and a few bad experiences. 

    My advice would be to consider therapy to help with your anxiety a little first, which could make this experience that little bit easier. 

  • I have dated and I'm currently engaged to get married next year. I've been with my fiancé almost 8 years it will be 8 years next month. And while I cherish my current relationship and I love what we have, dating was difficult to say the least. I used a few dating apps and meeting people off of them was anxiety inducing which made things uncomfortable but not impossible. On top of that I met a variety of people who weren't always the nicest. I have a few failed relationships behind me and a few bad experiences. 

    My advice would be to consider therapy to help with your anxiety a little first, which could make this experience that little bit easier. 

  • Congratulations on your engagement!!! I hope you will both continue to be very happy together.

    I'm sorry you've had bad experiences before but I'm glad that it's led you to a great experience and marriage coming up. 

    Life is full of so many experiences good and bad, but I love it when the bad ones lead to something good. You just feel amazing and triumph that you got through it to such a great place.

    Really am very happy for you.