My lifestyle is unsustainable

I've come to the realisation that I was serving mammon, not God.

The investment I made was to a Bank which, I found out afterwards, was ungodly; in his eyes. I'll just have to wait until next year, then release the funds. Then pay better attention. I did the action while stressed.

My current lifestyle will only be financially viable for the next two years, according to what I spend.


  • Don't beat yourself up about it. It's not easy to make ethical investments. I'm more concerned that you think you'll have burnted through your savings in two years? If I understand you right?

  • Well there is a big significance placed on inheritance in the bible too, it not right to give away god-given things, but material possessions/graven-images, worshipping that stuff ensures than the children of your children will be food for dogs in the street.. as goes the bible anyway.. 

  • yeah, the most close to god religious extreme is actually to cast aside all worldly belongings and become a hermit monk that owns nothing. the homeless beggers are more to the ideal of religion... so its not really wise to follow religion on matters of finances as wed all be homeless and begging, but then thered be no one to beg off as everyone would be begging.

  • If you follow gods word to the letter, you wouldn’t have financial viability into the next two minutes, as to be as close to god as possible you’d have to have your face in the dust..Sweat smile

  • Or change his lifestyle to match his means (or a combination of both)

    As far as withdrawing the money is concerned he may not be able to until next year depending on the type of account / investment the money was paid into.

  • I found out afterwards, was ungodly; in his eyes. I'll just have to wait until next year, then release the funds.

    Surely if it was an issue for your god then you should take it out immediately. Not that I suggest you do this, just questioning the logic behind it.

    What is it that the bank are doing that would upset your god?

    My current lifestyle will only be financially viable for the next two years, according to what I spend.

    Do you have plans on how to suppliment your income? Kidnapping one of the bankers perhaps LoL.

    Seriously though, it sounds like you need to come up with some income plans - do you have any?