Favourite School Subject.

For me it has always been History, it’s just always, ‘ lit my fuse’, I get absorbed into it. Any era or event is just interesting. I had some good teachers at school who made a difference. My maths teacher, was brilliant, but history has always won. What became your lifetime subject and that one teacher who made a difference.

  • My favourite subject by far throughout my school years was Maths Nerd I also enjoyed science subjects such as Chemistry and Physics.

    My least favourite was French. I think the speech aspect of it was extremely hard for me. I had enough trouble communicating in English! Despite being really bad at it my school forced me to select a language subject all the way to 16. I managed the distinction of gaining a U grade in French at O level, so poor it couldn't be classified as a grade F fail Flushed Despite that I would actually like to learn a language one day, if only to prove to myself I can do it with a more suitable method of learning.

    Since leaving school I have become much more interested in History and Geography. I think I had very poor teachers in those subjects at school and it just never seemed interesting.

  • That's super cool :-) 

    I wasn't smart enough to do maths and enjoy it lol 

    I think I would like to be a teacher I bet it's pretty fun at times teaching 

  • My brain is naturally logical and maths fits well with that. I love that there is a right answer. I hated being asked for essays in other subjects and all the resultant uncertainty about what to put in or leave out and how to word it.

    If your brain is less logical maths will be harder but it certainly doesn't mean you are not smart. You can be very smart in other ways.

    I wouldn't last a day in a school environment, the noise, the unruly kids Scream If you want to go into teaching I imagine there will be opportunities to teach autistic children and that would be very rewarding.

  • That sounds like it would be such a cool job for you and you would enjoy doing it as well so it's like the best of both worlds for you

    Be even cooler if you could do it from home! ^^ 

    I think working from home would suit a lot of autistic people as a lot of us struggle with going out and espech interacting with others

    I'm sorry about your burnout but I can see why!

    Working in that sort of environment most have been absolutely awful for you. No way I could have done it - and I think it's admirable that you even did it! I couldn't have

    No way :) 

    Omg yes thank you for replying to me. I saw the email notification but since the whole thread seems to have completely vanished off the face of the earth! Guess it's gone to wherever the original 3 good things thread is lol

    I do appreciate all of your replies though it was very helpful and kind of you :-) 

    My dad has spoken to my mum and she's a lot less pressuring me now. That's a good idea about working on the farm as well there's a little baking shop where they sell homemade stuff and milk so I might be able to do that like the baking

    I'm not amazing but I am following videos on cooking and baking so it might be something I could learn maybe ^^

  • My ideal job would be working with numbers and spreadsheets all day every day, in my own little soundproofed office and never having to see or interact with anyone.

    I became an accountant because I thought it suited my skill set but the reality was very different. I was expected to work in large and noisy open plan offices, work in teams, endure constant interruptions from colleagues, attend endless meetings, communicate with clients, supervise and manage more junior staff, etc. All of which resulted in a major burnout. 

    If I was looking for something now then being able to work from home full time would be essential.

    I recall replying to you on the subject of your mum wanting you to work in a supermarket but I can't find it now. I cannot think of a less suitable environment, especially when you already find them so overwhelming and anxiety inducing. Please follow your own path because an unsuitable job can be very damaging to your mental health.

    Would there be any job opportunities on the farm you mentioned you might be moving to?

  • Yes! Great suggestion!

  • Or the RSPB?  Maybe become a warden at a bird sanctuary ...

  • Maybe work with animals like geese lol I could become a goose vet ^^

    Very specialist!

    If you like geese, is there a park or nature reserve near your home that you could work at?

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