ABA for adults (UK)

Anyone knows any provider able to perform the ABA on adults? I have seen plenty of centres for children, but none for an adult.

The patient would be me. Apparently, ABA is the only therapy that teaches how to "mask" more and better. Since I am one of the few people here with a real job, I am required to "mask" in my life. It's a survival need.

  • As you can work, one of the few who can - apparently, why not do some work and cut out the middleman by researching masking, and then apply the information to your own behaviour? Have a gander at this paper "Self-reported camouflaging behaviours used by autistic adults during everyday social interactions", which can be read in full or downloaded here: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10130518/ . 

    BTW, I worked full-time while writing a master's thesis, then a PhD thesis, in the evenings and at weekends. If in suitable employment, autistic people can be at least as productive as most neurotypicals.

  • Sorry, I asked for some professional able to administer the therapy, not for a dense, illegible academic paper. You know, not everyone is an academic. That's like giving a book about fluid theory to somebody asking for a plumber.

    >If in suitable employment, autistic people can be at least as productive as most neurotypicals.

    New shocking data highlights the autism employment gap

    22% of adult aspies are in employment. Numbers talk.

  • That is because 'suitable employment' for autistic people is hard to find, not that autistic people are unemployable. If you add the fact that mainstream schooling is, in general, a form of drawn out torture for most autistics, there is therefore a legacy of autistic people failing to get the qualifications required to do the jobs that are most suited to them. This is the direct result of school being fundamentally inimical to autistic children. I was crippled by anxiety when faced by public examinations - those big halls filled with rows of little desks and crowds of apprehensive people - but managed to get the required grades (not without a couple of panic attacks in the process), many autistics do not. This allowed me to get into scientific research where I thrived, it is a profession that amply rewards typical autistic traits.

    The problem is not autistic people, but the education system being almost entirely unsuitable for them.

    " I asked for some professional able to administer the therapy ". In all probability this does not exist, except if you were a millionaire and could commission a therapist to develop a bespoke therapy.  In the real world you are stuck with putting up with whatever behavioural traits you think are holding you back, or doing the leg-work in the relevant literature.

  • That is because 'suitable employment' for autistic people is hard to find, not that autistic people are unemployable

    That's exactly the same thing

    mainstream schooling is, in general, a form of drawn out torture for most autistics

    same for the vast majority of normies, too. I've seen a lot of normies failing school. School is just anti-human, not anti-ASD.

    However, I managed to find some behavioural analysts, so the point is moot.

  • That is because 'suitable employment' for autistic people is hard to find, not that autistic people are unemployable

    That's exactly the same thing

    mainstream schooling is, in general, a form of drawn out torture for most autistics

    same for the vast majority of normies, too. I've seen a lot of normies failing school. School is just anti-human, not anti-ASD.

    However, I managed to find some behavioural analysts, so the point is moot.

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