ABA for adults (UK)

Anyone knows any provider able to perform the ABA on adults? I have seen plenty of centres for children, but none for an adult.

The patient would be me. Apparently, ABA is the only therapy that teaches how to "mask" more and better. Since I am one of the few people here with a real job, I am required to "mask" in my life. It's a survival need.

Parents Reply Children
  • I am not an actor and I do not want to become one. My degree is in IT, not in performance acting

    If you need to mask to pass as "normal" as you have stated before then you need to act like a normal.

    masking = acting.

    You are never going to become "normal" as your brain is not wired that way so acting is really your only option if that is your end goal.

  • I do not need a goddamn acting coach, I am not an actor and I do not want to become one. My degree is in IT, not in performance acting

  • An acting coach has no experience in dealing with autistic people. 

    Here is an acting coach who has experience working with autistic people:


    I specialise in coaching neurodivergent actors, particularly those who are autistic or learning disabled. My work includes coaching for actors at The Barbican, The National Theatre (AZC European Tour), The Kiln, Headlong, Netflix and ITV. I work closely with Access All Areas.


    And here is a link for the UK Society for Behavioural Analysis: Search Behavioural Analyst:


    Keep in mind that the strain of "Faking it to make it!" can lead to psychological fragmentations that are otherwise more usually referred to as mental, emotional and or nervous breakdowns, particularly in later life as the fixed egostates / personae (as being masked behaviourisms) increasingly restrict and obstruct the dynamic vitality of the personality ~ hence those numerations who get diagnosed late in life after the capacity to mask overwhelms and debilitates them, leaving them burnt out and broken down to whatever extent.

  • please, just shut up

  • An acting coach has no experience in dealing with autistic people

    Oh come on JD, there are going to be some who have experience of this. We make up around 1-3% of the population so that implies for every hundred people they have coached, they will have had at least one autist.

    Have you even tried looking? Don't knock it until you have please.